4 Ways To Handle Iphone Slow Loadding

Before the existence of Samsung that uses os android which then menggeparkan world and become the number one phone in the world because many enthusiasts and also its users, iphone with ios have been there before all, and have felt success which felt by Samsung.

Therefore, no one is not familiar with this one phone. This phone is a phone that comes from the United States, which uses a bitten apple symbol, and I think this symbol is very interesting, simple but unique, but apart from the uniqueness of this phone is also equipped with sophisticated technology. But as sophisticated technological sophistication on a mobile phone, surely there are weaknesses. And the weakness often experienced by iphone users often slow or slow when used.

Before the existence of Samsung that uses os android which then menggeparkan world and bec 4 Ways to Handle iPhone Slow Loadding

For that in this post I will provide an easy technique to overcome the iphone is lemot. when talking about mobile phones that lemot, actually not only because of the phone, but may be because of its use. For that let's watch together this aritkel until finished.

  • Restart the iphone

The first technique is to conserve your iphone, it is useful to overcome your iphone lelet by normalizing back your iphone work. The trick is very easy once you live press the HOME button and the POWER button simultaneously. Until your phone releases the iphone logo.

  • Cleans Cache

The next technique you can practice is to clear the cache on your iphone phone, this iphone is actually the same as other phones, which will store the cache automatically, and if we do not remove it will accumulate and interfere with the work of our phones become obstructed alias slow or slow .

how to clean it very easily. You do not need to take a long time to do this, simply by entering the Settinganà hidangan then entering the safarià settings then enter on the clear savari and website data. Already ... Easy is not it.

  • Interpret features that way

The third trick is to turn off the iphone features that way. Actually these features that result in weak performance of the iphone, so it is better to turn the features that are not important.

  • Eliminates nonessential apps

Well the last is to eliminate the application that feels unimportant and not used anymore, actually if your phone is too many applications, it will be bad on your phone, the phone becomes slow. eat it should instalah important applications only, and delete applications that are not important.

So 4 tips from me so that your iphone is not slow anymore. Hopefully this atrikel useful for you all, apologize if the submission of this article is not complete, and the use of the word is not polite,

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