What Is Content Marketing. Important Metrics To Look At In Content Marketing. How It Works And Which Aims Content Marketing Seo

Content Marketing in SEO or otherwise content marketing is about creating and distributing content in worldwide that attracts a targeted audience, while encouraging users to take action that is profitable for a business. This is a short tutorial that explains how you can use Content Marketing to your advantage and promote your business.

Content Marketing in SEO or otherwise content marketing is about creating and distributing What is Content Marketing. Important metrics to look at in Content Marketing. How it works and which aims Content Marketing SEO

The purpose of the article is to help mostly all those readers who are in advertising and especially those aspiring to make a career in digital marketing. It is of course also the people who have websites and want to understand the importance of quality content in their business and why they should choose a SEO professional for this difficult yet profitable SEO strategy.

Before reading the article, you should have a good understanding of the mendasar concepts of marketing, advertising and product analysis and audience.
Content Marketing is known with many names, such as inbound marketing, corporate journalism, branded media, native advertising, and customer publication. However, the basic idea behind the strategy remains the same, ie the creation and distribution of content that attracts a targeted audience, encouraging them to take action profitable for a business.

What is the use of Content Marketing? 
The development of the World Wide Web, social networks and mobile technologies has changed the relationship between consumers and business. Today's average consumers do not buy a product by simply tracking their ad on a billboard. They are investigating Google to compare similar products, read online product reviews by experts, and even talk with their friends on social networks before spending their money.
As a result, businesses need to re-examine their traditional marketing strategies and channels if they want to gain the trust of their customers and influence their purchasing decisions. Here is where Content Marketing plays an important role. It helps businesses attract the attention of potential consumers to their products by promoting and promoting their core characteristics.

Content Marketing Strategy
Before you create a content marketing strategy for your business, you must first set the goals. You must be clear about what are you going to achieve with your content? Are there more subscribers to your blog? Or is it getting traffic? Or maybe you want to convert some of your site's sales pages? Whatever it is, you should clearly define your goals before you start defining the strategy.
Having said that, there are some general elements of a Content Marketing strategy that are the same, regardless of your goals.

Below are summarized, as will be discussed in detail later in this article:
1.Tracking your clients 2. 
Creating your message or story 
3. Defining the content you want to create 
4. Measuring the success of Content Marketing efforts

Identifying your sasaran audience is the easy part. What is more difficult for a business is to understand the pain points of its customers. Once you understand your consumer's problems and understand their requirements, you will be able to find perfect solutions to meet these particular requirements. Read the SEO rules in Content Marketing to succeed.

When you want to create a Content Marketing strategy, knowing the public and your needs is the most important task. But how can you make sure that you capture the real problems of your customers and not just imagine them? You can do this by following the four steps listed below:

List your primary clients
To accurately define your primary customers, give them specific names and identities. For example, if you are running a travel company, your audience might fall: experienced travelers, casual travelers, city-tourists, residents who travel to the city, etc.

Collect information about your customers
You can collect information about your important customers in a variety of ways, such as:

1.Make research on clients visiting your website 
2.Take customer service for customer questions 
3.Read clients ' emails and comments on the contact or help page 
4.Tear the features of your primary customers 
5. Determining the characteristics of your primary customers means learning about your customers' experiences. For example, experienced travelers may know airport codes and electronic tickets, but occasional travelers may not.

Such well-rounded information helps you create content that meets the needs of each customer.

Creating Personas
The best way to portray and understand a client's needs is to create faces. When creating personal information, give specific details to a customer, for example:
Name a name - David 
Age - 40 years old 
Occupation - Senior Information Technology officer 
Web tasks - Reading technology news everyday, ticket books, ideas shopping on weekends, etc.

Guru and marketing experts have often repeated the line saying that the company that says a better story wins rather than the company that is bigger in size. This is even more important today with the development of new forms of electronic media that have confidence in consumers like never before.

However, the question remains largely unanswered. How do you say a better story? Do you create a 10 × 10 poster, presenting the potential of your product and placing it on every billboard in the city, or creating a real-life story and emotional ad? What is the choice that will give you more business and more revenue? Well, to be honest, building a good story and creating great content requires a lot more than that. It requires answering 3Ws: who, what, and why. Here it is important to read  4 important metrics you should look at in Content Marketing.

To create a great story around your business, you have to answer clearly:

Why are you creating the content? 
Defining content goals is the first step.
Why you need to create a specific type of content? 
What do you want to finish? 
Does your content strategy match your overall business goals?

These are important issues that need to be answered.

Who are your customers? 
It goes without saying that identifying your customers is the most important step in Content Marketing. You can refer to Part 2 of this seminar to learn how to identify your clients. The bottom line is to list your audience's problems and preferences and figure out what kind of content they like best. Also, you have to answer the important question - what is the only thing you have to offer to customers?

What do you want to achieve your content? 
You have to ask yourself - how will my content help my clients? Will they help them organize a trip, buy a house or train for examination? Do you have to clearly define and understand how your content will affect the lives of your customers?

4 Important metrics to look at in Content Marketing

Content Marketing is the most modern and effective way to build a strong Link Building strategy. But it is unclear for many people what they need to watch to know what they do best. In this article I will mention 4 ways to measure what I'm doing and what I do not do in my Content Marketing strategies.

1. Social Shares
The number of  Social Shares for any content you post, is a measurement that you should have as a basic rule in your metrics and will be an integral part of your content marketing strategy. Be careful, it's not the answer for rendering the text itself, but a basic element to keep track of. But social media can give you answers about a new product you want to promote. In this piece you have to give your best, it's new and you have to show it in the best possible way. The number of likes, views and interactions will give you a first picture. While there are many tools and plugins to simplify social sharing, not all platforms are as easy to collect data. The tool buzzsumo  gives you all the tools and collects a wide range of information to form a complete picture.
BuzzSumo offers you everything you need to collect data for Content Marketing

Content Marketing in SEO or otherwise content marketing is about creating and distributing What is Content Marketing. Important metrics to look at in Content Marketing. How it works and which aims Content Marketing SEO

2. Engaged Time
An excellent measure to track the success and effectiveness of your content is how long it keeps and keeps the audience's attention. You can get a generic idea with  Google Analytics "time on page"  . If you are not interested in watching content, then put yourself among the majority. Just under 30% of marketers monitor and supervise the length of time-visitor-engaging. This would probably have increased if more traders were aware that visitors dealing with content for at least three minutes were twice as likely to return to their websites.

How else will you know what content and topics should concentrate ,if you are not constantly monitor the content which interests your audience more? The only time-to-page masalah in Google Analytics is that it will not tell you if people are active and read the text. If their attention is distracted by a phone call, they will never read the text by the user, but the average time will be affected on the measurement page. You can find Javascripts that help with tracking time on the page, or tools like  Riveted  which can help with measuring the actual interaction of your content with tracking, scrolling, clicking and using the keyboard.

3. Direct Post Engagement
Sometimes you have to go out of your analytics to measure the performance of the content by looking at your post to see what the content thinkers think. You want every piece of content to be a gateway to a vibrant and growing community, so make comparisons of reviews and direct post engagement with other Publishers.

4. Content Visibility
It can be frustrating when producing high quality "10X content," but there is no one to read it. Count the number of unique visitors to your page and keep a follow-up reservation at regular intervals in this measurement over time. This way, you can determine whether or not your content is working, as well as how the individual pieces of content respond as part of the strategy to bring you new ideas and perspectives.

Just remember that the visitor counts on his own, even per Post so if you read it correctly, he can become a major measure. In individual publications, pay special attention to the time of stay and interaction, as well as the dropout rates.

SEO rules to Succeed in Content Marketing:  Authority, Content, Relevance
Now  Search Engine Optimization  has changed. Those who have not understood it will find it in the ugly way when Google starts punishing the websites that follow Black Hat tactics. The White Hat Seo tactic is a one-way street for any website and all that the person who has taken the promotion and this weight can do is to follow the new rules. This does not mean that it is so simple to do it, as the new rules are more difficult to require personal time and work to come up with the corresponding results. The SEO analysis of competitors will give you an initial picture.

How Search Engines evaluate the Domain and Page Authority of the site

In fact, modern search engines such as Google use hundreds of factors in evaluating Authority and Site Relevance, but can be distinguished in two main categories: Content or Content, and Links or External Evaluation Agent. First, a search engine must read and analyze real content as well as other features on a page.
So it controls the relevance of the issues with the page identity. In the early years of SEO, the test was in the infancy, so it was easy enough to fool the "spiders" and climb a site into the rankings. It is now much more complicated to distinguish as Google initially analyzes the language, structure of a page and other features to determine things such as how a page deals and presents a subject, how useful it can be to a visitor but also the quality with external - internal Links included. In content marketing, content, articles, postage and services are the basic elements that the search engine will check. But it also depends on you as you have the ability to make  your own measurements on the content you are uploading.

Once the "spider" understands the quality of the page and begins to register its content, it continues with the control of the external factors that help confirm the initial estimates and  count the Authority for any matter within it . When they created PageRank, the founders of Google Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the links had and are of utmost importance and importance used for this evaluation. Search engines use links in a methodical and rigorous manner to limit the deception of irrelevant external factors.

In closing, each Link has its own weight, it must have a relationship with the text on the page, otherwise it is a matter of time for non-relevance to be punished by Google. The  Seo strategy  to be followed must be done with method and attention only by a specialist. It should be noted that if a website accepts the "penalty" it has a clue to climb to overcome the punishment (there are severity parameters for each penalty).

As long as you cover all of the above, you are on the right track to get started. Or otherwise the Digi Marketing Tech will help you get started and get together at the top .. Why? Because we love what we do and we give our love and knowledge to every work.

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