How To Make Money From Youtube (Guide 2019)
So in this article we will say everything right. How To Make Money From Youtube? Not at all simple.. But in order to get to a level of earning subscribers, views, and by extension some money, you need to create a channel through which you will offer remarkable videos useful for Viewers. The Digi Marketing Tech has created the ultimate guide for you on how to make money from the world's largest video platform.
In the majority of cases, you will be able to simply earn extra income, as your odds are quite small especially when you have Budget to give your ads the boost on your channel. But to show your business in smart and efficient ways is a necessary solution. All Youtubers will have to spend time, in order to create a remarkable channel with interesting videos that will appeal to the general public.
Let's take things from the beginning.
New Media Rockstars estimates that youTubers' leading users earn millions while some of them reach tens of millions. Revenue may vary greatly depending on the channel condition.
Here are just a few of their estimates and the number of subscribers to these YouTubers has:
EpicMealTime Makes $ 3.1 Million (7 Million Subscribers)
Ray William Johnson earns approx $ 4.2 Million with 10 Million Subscribers
FunToyzCollector is reaching an astounding $ 30.4 Million (8 Million subscribers)
Ray William Johnson earns approx $ 4.2 Million with 10 Million Subscribers
FunToyzCollector is reaching an astounding $ 30.4 Million (8 Million subscribers)
Yet, YouTube's smallest resonance channels can have revenue. Your earnings potential is not determined solely by the number of subscribers and views you have, but also by the level of engagement you create, by the niche location and by the revenue channels you are exploring. This does not mean that the number of subscribers does not matter.
But before you get to the way you can make money on YouTube, you need to have a clear understanding of the audience that looks like your audience.
Building your own audience puts you in a great position to make money in a number of ways. But you can take full advantage of the opportunities you have if you understand your audience's wants.
For many YouTubers who want to generate revenue, the more specific your channel is, the better your position to work with brands that sasaran specific audiences (more about that later).
Pay special attention to:
In sex for the distribution of men and women, and if your audience is leaning on one of two.
The age for the series that most members of your audience fall into.
Geographic location for countries or cities where your viewers are watching your videos and some Brands may want to focus.
Watch Time: The total commitment of your audience when watching your videos.
A combination of the above to create a more accurate picture of your audience by looking at things like the number of male viewers you have in a particular age group.
The age for the series that most members of your audience fall into.
Geographic location for countries or cities where your viewers are watching your videos and some Brands may want to focus.
Watch Time: The total commitment of your audience when watching your videos.
A combination of the above to create a more accurate picture of your audience by looking at things like the number of male viewers you have in a particular age group.
With these demographics, you will have a better understanding of your audience and you will be able to work better with brands. You can use Social Blade to compare your channel with others channel.
How To Make Money On Youtube
Just like an Instagram influencer or a blogger, your audience can unlock your profit potential, but generating multiple revenue streams really helps you make money.
Fortunately there are so many ways to make money from Youtube:
Become YouTube partner and make money from advertisement.
Make money by selling products or merchandise from Youtube.
Crowdfund your next creative work.
Your audience support your work by fan funding.
Promote your content to Media.
Work with Brands as a influencer or affiliate.
Make money by selling products or merchandise from Youtube.
Crowdfund your next creative work.
Your audience support your work by fan funding.
Promote your content to Media.
Work with Brands as a influencer or affiliate.
Let's look at things in more detail.
1. Become a YouTube partner and make money from your ads
The first revenue stream you are likely to explore is the ads.
You'll need to define yourself as a YouTube partner, easily done in the Studio Creator section of your YouTube account, by going to the channel hidangan to verify your account and enable monetization ( click here to go directly ).
Once you become a partner, you'll need to have an AdSense account to participate in the Google advertising network to actually get paid and see revenue reports from ads like the one below. If you do not AdSense account you can have one apply here.
Revenue from YouTube ads
After doing this, you'll see a green "$" next to your videos in the video manager, indicating whether monetization is turned on, which you can click to access the monetization settings for each video.
It's easy to create, but advertising as a YouTube partner is far from the most profitable revenue stream you can create yourself.
Why you have to look beyond advertising for revenue
YouTube has recently made a lot of reactions because of its decision to be more transparent about platform advertising and what is described as "content-friendly" content. In fact, many creators are afraid they will lose advertising revenue that helps support their channel due to the nature of their content.
According to YouTube, your content may be blocked by ads if it includes:
Sexually suggestive content, including partial nakedness and sexual humor
Violence, including the occurrence of serious injuries and events related to violent extremism
Inappropriate language, including harassment, wickedness and vulgar language
Promotion of regulated drugs and substances, including selling, use and abuse of such items
Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects mo related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic images are not shown.
Violence, including the occurrence of serious injuries and events related to violent extremism
Inappropriate language, including harassment, wickedness and vulgar language
Promotion of regulated drugs and substances, including selling, use and abuse of such items
Controversial or sensitive subjects and events, including subjects mo related to war, political conflicts, natural disasters and tragedies, even if graphic images are not shown.
But the reality is that YouTube has decapitated content that does not consider advertiser-friendly from 2012 through an automated process.
YouTubers users have already lost advertising revenue because their videos would be degraded at times without notice and without knowing.
Now the situation is actually better, as creators are informed when this happens and can challenge any videos that have been wrongly blocked by the YouTube advertising network.
Advertising can be a common means of generating passive income for the creators, but the offset is that YouTube will hold about 45% of advertising revenue.
In short, YouTubers will have to explore other revenue streams to maintain their creative hobby.
2. Earn money on YouTube selling products or merchandise
Selling goods, t-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags, snapbacks, has an edge over revenue.
Increases your exposure, putting your online merk and personality out there in the offline world, and deepens the relationship between you and your fans as they literally "buy" into what you do.
Selling branded swags is easier than it seems at first.
You can order affordable designs tailored for specific products, such as t-shirts, using independent sites like Fiverr.
And when it comes to order and customer handling, you can integrate your store into services such as Oberlo or one of the many custom-made printing providers that take care of all mission, fulfillment and customer support, allowing you to get all the benefits of a dropshipping business that requires less effort on your part.
Alternatively, you can work with an existing merchandising network for creators like DFTBA. However, you will compete with other YouTubers in a market and you will have less control over adding products by offering discounts, incorporating your content and all the benefits offered by owning your own ecommerce site.
You can even go one step further by building and selling your own unique products, fueling your business with your YouTube channel, such as Luxy Hair, who managed to sell their hair extensions with hair video browsers.
As a YouTuber user who has already earned an audience, you will have two benefits from the beginning that other store owners will be envious of:
A content engine that drives constant traffic to your store.
The trust of your audience, which you have already earned with their regular free service with your own unique content.
The trust of your audience, which you have already earned with their regular free service with your own unique content.
3. Crowdfund your next creation program
When the money is all between an idea and its execution, crowdfunding is a good way to do that.
Whether you need help buying better equipment, recruiting actors or covering other production costs, you can invite your audience and the crowdfunding community to move forward if your idea is quite exciting.
Many successful creative projects that have been created in many countries tend to offer an impressive video that excites people, so think of a video that explains your work.
Popular crowdfunding sites with proven YouTube campaign history include:
Kickstarter : One of the most popular crowdfunding sites and excellent for the financing of cool products and creative projects. Be sure to set a feasible funding target, because you will only get it if you meet the goal you set.
Indiegogo: An alternative to Kickstarter that offers more flexible financing options.
Indiegogo: An alternative to Kickstarter that offers more flexible financing options.
4. Let your YouTube audience support your work through Fan Funding funding
Similar to crowdfunding a project, you can also create "Fan Funding" streams to get donations from your audience.
As a creator, contribute your voice to the Internet without pushing your audience to pay for the entrance. So if it's good content, your audience may be willing to support you on an ongoing basis.
Many Fan Funding funding platforms give creators another place to discover their content and a way to attract the most loyal audience and reward them for their support.
Some popular fan financing options are:
Fan Faning from YouTube : This YouTube feature actually allows you to create a "rollover" for your viewers to donate whenever and as much as they feel they are contributing. You'll need to set up your YouTube account for advertising as described above.
Patreon : The participation platform that makes it easier for creators to pay. Friends can subscribe to their favorite creators for a dollar a month and receive exclusive rewards.
Tipeee : Allows you to get a combination of both one-time and recurring donations
Tipeee : Allows you to get a combination of both one-time and recurring donations
5. Empty your content in Media
If you happen to create a viral video with a massive appeal - say, a funny clip with your dog - you can license your content in exchange for money.
TV channels, TV shows, online news and other creators can contact you about the rights to use your videos if they happen.
However, you can also record your videos on a market like Juken Media, where your content will be easier for the right people to find and buy.
6. Work with Brands as an Influencer or Partner
Impact marketing will be one of the advertising backgrounds of the next decade.
Trademarks are increasingly investing in influential marketing, spending typically large advertising budgets on players who have already earned their audience's dedication.
This creates a tremendous opportunity for you as a creator if you can negotiate the right deals.
Brendan Gahan, YouTube Marketing Expert and Marketing Manager, recommends that you set your flat fee considering the number of views your videos usually receive and the multiplication of 5 to 15 cents per view (which is about what many brands are willing to pay for views through YouTube ads).
Depending on your leverage - your demographics, the quality of the content, and how unique and profitable your video is - you may be able to negotiate a better deal if the merk is good.
To give you another idea of what you can charge, an intermediate affiliate charges an average of $ 200 to $ 500 per video, according to one study.
The same study also shows that around 69% of the respondents from YouTubers do not believe that co-branding reduces their authenticity.
The key when working with branded content is to be transparent about it - do not validate anything that you do not like or do not really believe in and be honest in advance with your audience.
How to "Sell" without disturbing your audience
Many of the above monetization strategies include promoting products (e.g., your store) or campaigns (e.g., crowdfunding a series of videos). You will need to inform your audience of them without compromising the integrity of your content.
Selling the audience is a real worry for many creators. If you don’t ask, you will never know.
There are some "placements" from which you can choose to promote your products or campaigns.
Record an invitation to action on your videos
"If you liked this video, tap the similar button and register."
"If you liked this video, tap the similar button and register."
Many YouTubers users include a call to action along these lines at the end of their videos to increase their visibility. By suggesting the desired action you want to take, your audience is more likely to get it.
You can tailor this approach to direct your audience's attention to an opportunity that generates revenue.
Add YouTube cards to your videos
Whether it's part of your branding agreement or you're promoting your own products, YouTube Cards offer a stunning way to attract the attention of dedicated viewers.
You can set them to appear at just the right time when they are more relevant and less distracting to increase their impact.
Add links to video descriptions
You can channel viewers to your store, the Patreon page, the Kickstarter launcher, or some other revenue that focuses on your online presence by adding links to video descriptions.
Promote your offer on other platforms
Just because your content is hosted on YouTube does not mean you should not take advantage of all the other channels out there for distribution.
Spread the word for new campaigns or discounts on Twitter, Facebook, and other profiles you may have.
The more posts your message gets alive, the greater the chance of seeing you. So it's always a good idea to develop your social media after YouTube.
What drives most creators is rare to start making money. It's the thought of doing something for the world to enjoy.
But it puts them in a great position to earn real money in a content-filled world.
While the hard part for many businesses is to keep their audience's attention, YouTubers have already found the edge.
All that remains is to become creative - to channel the business idea to explore ideas - to how you choose to profit from your passion.