Tricks How To Save The Mobille Falling In Water Easily

Smartphones are now an individual requirement. Smartphones are not only useful as a means of communication, but has been transformed into a versatile tool. Like to calculate, to predict the weather, as a refreshing tool and many other advantages - other advantages. But with the advantages that in his phone is also an item that can be damaged for it of course also need good care and also true.

Mobile phone is a machine object which is very susceptible to collision and also air, if where the phone is linked or troubled with the impact and also the air then the result will be very fatal, could be broken and the machine will die from exposure to air. And worse if the Android phone sank or plunged into the air.

Smartphones are now an individual requirement Tricks How to Save the Mobille Falling In Water Easily

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Namuan now there are also phones that are in ciptkan waterproof so even though exposed to water this phone will not be problematic. But even if the water does not mean our phone is always dipped into the water well can not gun water again heheee ... but if there is a masalah on your phone that is not waterproof then exposed to water you can try the trick below to overcome it.

  1. Immediately turn off your phone - When your phone is exposed to water or plunged into the water then the first step you must do you immediately turn off your phone
  2. Remove all that can be off - After turning off your phone, then langah next is to remove all the particles in your phone like battery casing all the LCD casing that can be released only. This is so that water into the phone out all
  3. Dry or dry the phone - The next step after dimatiakn and open all, then live you dry, can take advantage of sunlight or can also use tools such as blower or hairdrayer. For faster drying process.

Well that's just a few tricks to save your phone when exposed or plunged into the water. Hopefully this simple article can be useful for you all, and do not forget to continue to visit our blog, thank you.

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