Google Rankbrain - The New Algorithm That Changes Data

If you are serious SEO Marketers, you will need to optimize the websites you are working on according to the new RankBrain algorithm. Why;
Well, Google recently announced that RankBrain is Google's third most important ranking point. And it has high value every day. In today's guide you will learn everything you need to know about Google's RankBrain algorithm.

What is Google RankBrain?

RankBrain is a machine learning algorithm (AI) used by Google to rank search results. It also helps Google to process and understand search queries.

 you will need to optimize the websites you are working on according to the new RankBrain  Google Rankbrain - The new algorithm that changes data

But what makes RankBrain different?

In short, RankBrain modifies the algorithm itself.
Depending on the keyword, RankBrain will increase or decrease the importance of backlinks, freshness of content, length of content, domain authorization, etc.

Next, it examines how Google researchers interact with new search results. If usersprefer the new algorithm better, it remains. If not, RankBrain restores the old algorithm.


Google has asked a team of Google engineers to identify the best page for a given search. They also asked RankBrain. RankBrain surpassed Google's productive engineers by 10%!

How does RankBrain work? 

RankBrain has two main tasks:
1. Understanding search queries (keywords) 
2. Measures how uers engaging with the results (people satisfaction)
Let's analyze each of them.
A few years ago Google encountered the following problem:
15% of the keywords people typed on Google never appeared in a previous search again.
15% may not seem much. But when you are processing billions of searches per day, they cost 450 million keywords that collapsed on Google daily.
Prior to RankBrain, Google crawled pages to see if they contained the exact keyword someone was looking for.
But because these keywords were merk new, Google had no idea what the investigator really wanted. So, you guessed.
For example, suppose you've been looking for Data Recall "Recover Data from External Disk". Google would search for pages that contained the terms "recovery", "external disk", "disk" and "data recall".
Today, RankBrain really understands what you're asking for. And it provides a 100 percent accurate results.
What changed, Before, Google tried to match the words in its search query with the words on a page.
Today, RankBrain is really trying to understand what you mean. Like a man could understand what another man is looking for.
How? By matching keywords that never appear before with the keywords Google has seen before.
For example, Google RankBrain may have noticed that many people are searching for " Social Media Advertising Advice from Digi Marketing Tech".

He has learned, however, that people who are looking for "Social Media Ad Tips" want to see a set of results for the Social Media Advertising phrase .
So, when someone is looking for "the gray console developed by Sony," RankBrain brings similar results to the keyword it already knows ("gray console developed by Nintendo").
So it shows results on Social Media ads. In this case, the Digi Marketing Tech.
A similar example can be said for Nintendo 's gray consoles . Rankbrain has found that many users who searched for the above search wanted to see relevant results with gaming consoles . If a user searches for gray Sony consoles then Google with the new Rankbrain algorithm will also display Nintendo console searches as it considers the pros of users looking for Nintendo consoles as well.

How RankBrain Measures user satisfaction in search results

Sure, RankBrain knows what to do in understanding new keywords. And it can even modify the algorithm on its own.
But the big question is:
Once RankBrain presents a set of results, how does it know if it's really good?
RankBrain shows you a series of search results that you think you will like. If many people like a particular page in the results, they will give this page a boost in ranking.
If you see that a page is indifferent or disliked? She will drop the page and replace it with a different page. And next time someone searches for this keyword (or similar term), it will see how it is executed.

What is RankBrain exactly observes?

It pays special attention to how you interact with search results. Specifically, it examines:
Organic transfer rate by clicking 
Dwell time 
Bounce Rate 

These are known as UX signals.
Let's say, for example, that you got a heavy pain in the middle after you lifted a weight. So you write in the search for "middle pain by weight".

You look at the first result as most, but you are reading information that does not cover you. You go to the second result, but you also see general information that does not entirely cover your questions. So move on to the second result and find out everything you wanted to learn. So you sit 4-5 minutes and over and read carefully the article and the information you are offering.
Rankbrain detects the value of the information with the above parameters and raises positions in the site ranking with the most useful and popular information to users. Is not it more fair?

Keyword research in the Rankbrain world

As you have seen, Google can now understand the importance and credibility behind a keyword.
Does this mean that traditional keyword research is dead?
Having said that, you may need to modify your keyword search process to make it more friendly to RankBrain.

Here's how:

Ignore keywords Long Tail 

Previously, it made sense to create hundreds of different pages ... each one was optimized around a different keyword . Search for keywords that are important and popular to the public.
For example, you'll create a page optimized for "the best keyword search tool." And another page for "the best keyword search tool".
And the old Google will sort each of them for the corresponding long tail keywords.
In fact, there is no meaningful way to optimize many different keywords with small variations, as Rankbrain on similar searches will display you high on a particular keyword. See below the example of Data Recall, on the keyword, "data recovery simple external disk". You see that in searching "recovering files from an external disk it shows the same result in the first place.

Optimize your middle queue keywords

Instead of Long tail keywords, I recommend optimizing the content around the middle tail keywords.
Medium-tailed keywords are the terms of the average package. These keywords get more searches than average long tail. But they are not just as competitive.
For example, here is a set of keywords around the subject of "Old Diet". Middle terms are keywords of middle queues.
When you optimize your page around a middle queue keyword (and make this page awesome), RankBrain will automatically rank you for this term ... and for thousands of similar keywords.
In short, I recommend that you optimize your page around a single keyword.
(Just make sure it's a middle word tail)
Then let RankBrain classify your unique page for many different relevant keywords.

How to Optimize Titles and Description Labels for CTR

Optimize CTR Titles
As you saw in Part 1, organic CTR is a basic RankBrain ranking mark.
The question is: how can you make people click on the result?
Well, that's what I'm going to cover in this chapter.

Create emotional titles
There is no doubt about it: emotional titles get more clicks.
This is something copywriters have known for years. And in recent years this idea has been supported with data. In fact, CoSchedule has found a clear correlation between strong emotional titles and social shares.

Sentimental value
For example, see below a general SEO optimized tag:

Productivity Tips: How to Become More Creative
It is not bad. But it lacks emotion that pushes people to click.
Here you can convert this title tag to an emotional power (while maintaining SEO friendliness):

The absolute list of 17 Productivity Tips
It does not always make sense to create overly emotional titles. But whenever you can, you must.
Add brackets and parentheses until the end of your titles
This is the favorite CTR of all time.
I first discovered this edge from a study that made HubSpot and Outbrain a few years back ...
This study analyzed 3.3 million titles. And they found that brackets surpassed the headlines without a bracket by 33%:

Using numbers (and not just list lists)
Data from various sources (including BuzzSumo) is clear: numbers improve CTR. You can use numbers in your title ... even if your content is not a list of numbers.

Break Power words into title tags

Power Words are conditions that play a serious emotional power.
Using Power Words will help you distinguish your title and get more clicks.

Do not forget to optimize your description label for CTR

 Yes, description labels do not help directly with SEO anymore. However, I've found that an optimized description can significantly boost your CTR.
Find keywords that have a high resonance from paid searches? How? Keyword Planner.

How to Optimize Your Content

Optimize Content for Bounce Rate. 
And now what? You should show Google that the result makes you happy. And the best way to do this? Improve your stay time. Does Google really use the time to stay? Yes, it is the time a Google researcher spends on your site after clicking on your result.
Obviously, the more time someone spends on your page, the better. This tells Google: "Man, people love this result. And if someone bounces off your site after 2 seconds, this tells Google: "This effect is messing up! Let's drop it a few places. "
Therefore, it is reasonable for RankBrain to measure the residence time - and to mix the results around this mark.
So get a great taste of how RankBrain works. Things change and yes it is for the better.


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