6 Effective Seo Strategies For 2019

An SEO strategy becomes effective only when all the actions/tasks involved are intended to significantly improve the overall quality of a website or the presence of the web presence (in the long run).
The SEO strategies come in different forms, as the focus of the approach will always vary depending on what you really need to deal with the site/company to be able to compete. SEO strategies can simply be categorized into these principles/categories:
Content - Content 
Technical Focused 
Focus on Brand

An SEO strategy becomes effective only when all the actions 6 Effective SEO Strategies for 2019

But why is it vital to invest in these strategies when there are so many choices out there that you can use in the field of digital marketing?
First of all, search engine optimization is one of the most powerful marketing gadgets for businesses because the practice is specifically targeted at people who already need a product, service or information (through search).
Second, let these stats convince you:
6,586,013,574 searches per day (InternetLiveStats)
4.5 billion searches on Google per day
91.4% of all searches are done on Google web properties (Google Search, Maps, Images, and YouTube) - according to JumpShot
94.95% of respondents click on organic search results - SimilarWeb
Although recent studies show that there is a dramatic change in organic CTR in 2017 (vs. 2015): -25% of the desktop click share and -55% on the mobile.
CTR of first rank (position # 1) CTR for non-branded search is 35% - Smart Insights
Google accounts for 62.6% of visitors were reported across the web - Jumpshot

The SEO industry is estimated to be worth $ 72 billion by 2018 - Land Search Engine
Finally, many people, businesses and organizations are really benefiting from this over the past two decades. Whether it's monetization or branding.
See below a recent collaboration we had with Data Recall International. The SEO article we wrote along with Off page SEO techniques, led one of the most popular searches in the field, "file recovery - data recovery" at the top.
You can also see this in Google My Business Local Searches. The increase in searches has increased after these first 3 places by 45%!
SEO, as an industry, is huge! But as a marketing discipline, it continues to become even more difficult.
Many of the most successful SEO campaigns worldwide are consistent with what Google is planning as the most important aspects of optimization - based on the Webmaster Guidelines and the Search Quality Guidelines:
Architecture: Easy for Google to detect, crawl, record, and understand the important pages of your site. 
Content: Experience, Authenticity and Trust (EAT). 
Links: Create a positive reputation for your site.

How to Develop Effective SEO Strategies:
Most experienced SEO consultants usually start a campaign with an in-depth control of the site.
And there is a good reason for this, since a website technical check allows us to really understand what needs to be done for the site to achieve the desired goals.
But what kind of procedures does SEO control take? Here's a quick break:
Keyword Analysis and SERP 
Competitor Survey & Analysis 
Technical Analysis and Site- 
Related Analysis Page and Content Analysis 
User Experience (UX) 
Link Analysis

In a nutshell, site control can help you get answers to the following key strategic development areas:

The first step for any successful SEO campaign is to understand everything about your customer's website. This phase defines your campaign goals by specifying:

Type (and size) of the website - Is it an e-commerce, SaaS / app, blog, community, group or small business?

Nature of the business - In which industry or business category belong? Is it very competitive? Who are their top competitors? How long is this industry / expertise? Will he stay there for the next 10 years?

Target Market - Which Demographics? Are they targeting a local, national or global audience?

Current situation - How long does it exist as a business? How is their production / revenue? Who are their top competitors? Are they hit by algorithmic punishment?

Real needs - Recovery from punishment? Increase in organic movement? Improve sales? Or want to increase the size of the company for branding?

It is easier to identify these areas once you have completed the initial check.
Site themes - which you'll mostly discover through checking using checklists. Below are some SEO checklists that you can start with (depending on your client's profile / needs):

SEO Technique 
Ecommerce SEO 
International SEO
Link Audit 
Diagnosis for Google Penalty - Google Algorithm Change History
Budget - What is the budget for running a competitive SEO campaign? How many hours (per month) should the team be able to perform all the necessary tasks?
Competitiveness - From 1-10, how difficult do you think is the ranking for top destination keywords? Are they directly addressed to major brands? Top competitors have invested a lot in SEO and Link Building? What do competitors do? Can we overcome and / or overcome them?

Once you have weighed the problems, the challenges, and the resources that you are sure to be at your disposal, it will be easier to find and locate opportunities you can undertake through these processes:
Keyword Research - Which search query sets increase the chances of ranking the site higher in a fairly short period of time? What are the keywords that competitors are not high on?
Competitive Intelligence - What are the categories your competitors do not focus on? What are the themes that excel in creating content around key keywords? Can you do it better? Which websites / publications are associated with most of your competition? Which sites / publishers have not yet created a relationship?
Content gaps - Make an inventory of the site's core content, missing basic / corner blocks, non-existent content types or related non-covered themes? Which topics or content are missing from your competitors? Can you earn content assets rich in information from your competitors?

Common SEO and traffic problems are often solved easily, combining the following results from your review and ratings:
The actions we need to take to deal with what the site really needs. 
Identify important site issues. 
Knowing the opportunities we can take to build a dynamic. 
Make sure you give high priority to elements that will hit both the quick victories and the long-term success of the campaign. By combining all of these ideas together, you should allow to design and develop results-based SEO strategies.

Each and Every task and the action you include in your strategy should be aligned with your client's business goals.
Make sure all your weekly goals will positively affect your campaign's long-term goals (based on small wins to win big wins).
Make more money (or build awareness) through a powerful search view. 
Enhance organic traffic by greatly improving overall site quality and experience. 
Significant improvement in overall site quality by optimizing its architecture, content and reputation (links). 
Apply all the critical tasks to effectively optimize the architecture, content and reputation of the site. 
With the right mentality, approach and strategies in place, regardless of the goals, you should start making the results you want.

SEO strategies that work
Here are the strategies we've been focusing on for many of our customers over the past two years.
Although we try to continuously improve and optimize every approach to SEO, as you need to be truly tailored to this business field.

Provides content and experience that is 10 times better than today's ranking for a particular topic.
The core of this strategy is to create content around the keywords that really matter to your business and are:
Really useful and / or educational 
10 times better than those currently ranked 
They are very likely to attract & earn links 
And you can promote with huge confidence through promotion (or paid social campaigns).
See a typical example with Data Recall. We worked on specific keywords, through which we created powerful information, which in a few months entered the top.

As you can see above, we've created one of the many SEO articles with internal information that Google has crawled and decided to provide the richest and most credible answer to this question. You can also see the influence of the new Google RankBrain algorithm on the comparative search. Whether the user is looking for recovery from a damaged disk or an external disk with the new algorithm, the same result is shown as users choose this article as the first choice, and it is also rated by Rankbrain that it contains similar information for both searches.

Identify intermediate-to-high-search keyword information that you can create content around. 
Check if the topic is really connected (validate the idea of your content by checking the number of links on the top ranking pages for the topic). 
Check the approach of your top competitors for content development. 
Build something (10 times) better. 
Gain access to those who have been shared and linked to the content of your competitors. 
Promote your content through the reach (through blogging of visitors, creating resource links and / or social / public relations).

2. Optimizing the budget
Each site has a Google crawl attributed budget, which is mainly based on the site's popularity / authority and its size.
Optimizing your site's crawl budget is usually downgraded to how you prioritize which pages will be crawled and re-scheduled by Googlebot.
The best way to get started with this site optimization process is to review your site's structure. And to make sure that your site's main pages are easily accessible by users and search crawlers.
1. Compare the # index pages with # pages from your XML sitemap versus the average number of pages that Google crawls daily on your site.
This will help you understand if your site has crawling / indexing problems.
2. Create more internal links to pages you want to be scanned regularly (so they should be better ranked).
3. Ensure that the site has a reliable information architecture and local organization.
4. Generate the site authority 's general authority authorization to improve crawling rate (higher PageRank = higher crawl rate) - creating more trusted links to your site and its deeper pages.
5. Block detectors from accessing / indexing low value URLs and pages with low content on your site. According to Google, those pages may fall in the following categories:
Identified navigation and / or session information 
In-place duplicate content 
pages Hacked pages 
Inferred sites and proxies 
Low quality content, outdated and unwanted content

Here are some of the ways to stop linking the link equity and ranking value to these pages:
Using the rel = "noindex" instruction 
Blocking access to folders / pages by blocking the detectors through Robots.txt 
Low quality and junk mailing (404) 
Using the "canonical" tag 
301 Redirecting broken or obsolete pages to locally relevant stronger pages of the site.
6. Improve the speed of the site (as it can also increase its crawl rate).

Compare # pages to XML sitemap versus # index pages. 
Compare # pages crawled with # index pages 
Make your site easy to navigate. Make sure all of the site's main pages are at least 2-3 clicks away from the home page. 
Create more internal links to pages you want to sort. 
Create high quality links to pass more link / rank on the site. 
Blocking detectors from accessing & indexing pages with double and low content (using "noindex" or through Robots.txt). 
Improve the speed of the site.

The content optimization process usually starts by creating a stock of the pages / assets of a site that can significantly affect its brand, traffic, link gain, and conversions when it improves further.
These pages could be:
Low-performance pages (in terms of organic traffic and engagement rate), but sasaran medium to high-volume search keywords. 
Content that covers important business themes but is already outdated. 
Strong and rich in information pages, but unable to attract or gain high value links.
To update / improve past content and turn it into valuable items, see some of the areas we're focusing on:
1. Reform the entire content - with the main purpose of creating a more logical sequence for its structure.
And try to answer as many questions as possible on the subject.
2. Optimize title tags for better SERP CTR.
3. Create locally relevant (contextual) internal links.
4. Optimize content for TF-IDF. Use Google Keyword Planner to find phrases, keywords you have not even thought of.
5. Improve Targeting for Secondary Keywords Review and analyze the keyword data of each content from Google Search Console to find out which minor keywords are driving more quality traffic to those pages.
The idea is to implement these optimization processes on as many pages as possible in order to improve the organic visibility of a site.

The queries shown in the search show essentially instant answers to specific or detailed queries and are visibly placed above the search results.
The snippet usually displays the summary of the answer to the paragraph, list or table form (extracted from one of the top ranking pages for the goal search term).

Process and action elements:
1. Create a list of search queries that are already ranked between positions # 1 and # 20.
Note: Google mainly pulls the quotes from the top 10 ranking pages for the search query. And the results from the quotes that appear are usually those that are displayed to users who use voice search (which basically makes this strategy one of the best approaches to optimizing voice search).
You can use tools like Ahrefs (through Organic Keywords).
2. Identify the queries displayed by the excerpted queries - as well as the pages from your site for these terms.
3. Reform your content to compete for the result of the displayed snippet:
Always optimize your content for better engagement of users. Improve readability, page speed, user experience, etc.
Provide detachable and accurate responses for your sasaran query. Make this section of the content very visible to users (for easy export from Google). 
Write a better copy of what is currently in the ranking for the result of the resulting snippet 
Create more links to your content (using partial match anchoring documents).

Building your campaign dynamics is very important, especially when you work on a website that is in a highly competitive industry.
One of the best ways to do this is to sasaran low-impact opportunities for quick victories.
The core of this particular strategy is essentially to create or optimize existing content assets that cover less competition issues.
And the whole process will largely depend on keyword research, SERP analysis, and the opportunity discovery phase. Here's a brief overview of the process:

1. Keyword Research:
Find low-competition keywords in your site using the Keyword Planning Center, Search Console data, and Google search anjuran data. Read the article on the importance of keywords and how to find them.

2. SERP analysis:
Verify if it is possible to sort the topic / keyword by analyzing the pages with the best scores for the sasaran search terms.
If more than half of the competing pages (within the top 10) come from relatively weak sectors, you would be more likely to climb positions in this category.

3. Opportunity Discovery:
Give priority to those you can easily steal. Then find more of them.
Construct small victories to create a steady boost in the growth of your organic movement (through long tail searches).
These little steps will help you rank the most competitive search terms later on as you go (as Google sees you gradually as starters in the subject).

From 1000 organic visits to 40000+ organic visits per month. 
The site is in a very competitive position.

Find 10 - 20 long-tail keywords that you can easily sort and compete with. 
Create content to specifically sasaran these topics. 
Create strategic links to any new content you create. 
Connect internally to the top pages you want to rank higher.

Google is better at understanding the entities and relationships.
And link development is a huge fraction of how Google understands and matches queries, feelings and reputation with websites and brands (considering links are one of the 3 most important ranking factors for Google search).
With all the algorithm updates associated with link graphs that have been implemented over the last decade, Google has certainly become smarter in link evaluation.
It is more capable of counting only links from high-quality sources (many of which are content-based and/or relationship driven) - and ignore, rather than downgrading, spam /low-value links.
What brings us to the question, what is the best way to reach link building these days?
The answer is quite simple. Whenever you try to get a link, ask yourself:

Would this link help our business if Google did not exist?
Because the right mindset has always been the best way to approach link building. By doing so, you will be able to consistently invest your time and effort into prospects that are:
Relevance to the subject 
Well-branded and valid 
Have high/significant traffic

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