4 Seo Tips To Get Into The First Page Of Google

Seo strategies vary, but so many have changed since then. I know by now that not all seo campaigns have the same performance and power. We are in 2019 and I will give you 4  seo tips  that play a key role in ranking a website in search engines.

Content is one of Google's most important factors in the overall ranking for the first pages. It's not new news that keyword content plays an important role for Google. Content on a web site, especially during the last 2 years, must be relevant to its identity, contain qualitative and short sentences and provide useful information. In fact, a study by SearchMetrics found that only 53% of 20 top searches have keywords in their headline, and less than 40% have keywords in H1.

I know by now that not all seo campaigns have the same performance and power 4 SEO tips to get into the first page of Google

This figure is decreasing from year to year, a study that clearly shows that Google evaluates content according to interest and relevance rather than the inclusion of individual keywords. So what does relevance mean in an article? It means complete!
A comprehensive article should cover all the hot issues according to its theme. Google evaluates everything that you mention in each of your articles, the links that link to them, which you believe to have created great content will be a lot.
Long form content is better ranked by Google than small format content because it allows articles to contain more detail.

How to optimize:
The content affects a wide range of factors, such as bounce rate and CTR. So for best results, make sure your content is comprehensive and relevant to the audience you want to address. If you use automated systems, do not expect any major differences. I would suggest that you use a content control aktivitas to find and fix poor content, explore less topics in greater detail and improve the authority in your domain.

2.  Create Backlinks

The  creation of backlinks  remains a significant Google ranking factor, but over the years, Google has learned to separate White Hat Seo from creating backlinks from a Black Hat Seo strategy. The rule with most links to your website is still valid today, but only from high Domain Authority sites. 
The key to a strong seo campaign in 2019 in promoting websites is to create desirable content, and then to promote it everywhere. Once assessed from other websites and link to you, Google will read the relevant text you have in the article content and will upload your page into the ranking.
When your content starts and acquires many of these high quality backlinks, you have achieved three important things: a large number of backlinks, quality backlinks, and a variety of high authority backlinks. 

All  link building strategies  relate to Content Marketing and content creation. Use reliable seo services to check the quality of the links that link to your website. You can also find potential opportunities for creating backlinks and also to eliminate the low quality backlinks that are damaging to your site. Naturally theory with practice is years of light, so we offer  free SEO analysis  and we can do the hard work for you.

3.  Mobile user experience

One of the biggest changes we saw in 2018 was Google's shift to mobile searches. This means that the Google marker will detect and evaluate a website much more than mobile than desktop. Mobile optimization is an extremely important ranking factor. The first 100 best sites in the world have great appeal and functionality on mobile devices because they work a lot for this as a  seo strategy.

In 2019, it will be more important than ever that your content responds to all mobile platforms and at the same time to the content on the computers. The friendliness of your website to mobile devices is the most important optimization factor in running and evaluating, so it's time to improve your website even further. According to Google, if you're in the process of building a mobile version of your site, do not show it on line until it's complete.
If you upload your site with problems before it is completed, Google takes it down and sees your site with a bad eye. The speed of a page is another important ranking factor that greatly boosts a good user experience. Desktop sites should be loaded in 3 seconds or less while mobile friendly web pages should be loaded in 2 seconds or less.

How to Optimize Your Website:  Work with Seo Tools . Go to Using Google search console to add and verify your site's mobile version. Make sure your mobile site is accessible from Googlebot using the txt control tool. Try the speed of your page using PageSpeed Insights. If your page is slow, use a checklist to find and fix uncompressed content, page errors, and other elements that slow down your website.

4.  Various technical factors

There are many technical factors that could play a big part in ranking your site. These factors include: 
Encryption: Webpages that use HTTPS have much better results in Google's rankings. Google has confirmed that powerful HTTPS encryption will better categorize pages than those using HTTP, and those who have not done so are referred to as insecure webpages in Google Chrome. 
H1 and H2 headings: There are more landing pages with H1 and H2 in this year's source code. Make sure they are on all your pages.
Different text: Quality and different text plays a big role for website rankings on Google, but it should be done with caution. Make sure your backlink text is varied to avoid Google penalty.
Ads and Pop ups: According to a recent Google announcement, any websites place ads that cover the content of the page for the purpose of aggressive advertising, promotion will eat Google penalty. At last it was time if you wanted my point of view because it has become incredibly irritating or aggressive advertising. Exceptions to this include a small dialogue, small banners that the visitor can easily discard, and the required legal (eg age verification).

How to optimize:  Change to HTTPS encryption. Make use of H2, especially if the top URLs in your location do not. Make sure your texts are varied and relevant. Remove all aggressive ads from your site.

SEO is a constantly evolving industry. In recent years, we have seen Google make a steady boost to rich content, the quality of backlinks and the mobile functionality of web pages. The rest of the ranking factors are certainly important and will play a big part in your ranking, but if you aim to improve the above, you will see the big changes.

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